New European policy

Bild einer Demonstration. Im Fokus steht eine EU Flagge, die im Wind weht
Volt wants to reshape politics by looking, thinking and acting beyond the national horizon. It is thanks to our pan-European approach that we are the only Swiss party to be represented in the European Parliament and to be able to indirectly take part in the European elections. In this way, we also show what real co-determination can look like for Switzerland. But our main goal is not the status quo, but rather the creation of a European Federal Republic (EFR) based on the Swiss model and with Switzerland right in the middle, where it belongs. This requires far-reaching reforms in the European Union, which we are actively working towards in order to create institutional proximity to Switzerland. At the same time, we at Volt Switzerland are working to make rapprochement with the EU conceivable and possible again, because Switzerland can also learn and benefit from Europe.

New European policy

The 5+1 challenges

Volt has defined 5+1 fundamental challenges that need to be addressed in every European country and in Europe as a whole.

Why 5 + 1 challenges?

The 5 challenges are essentially the same for each country, but their implementation can be adapted at the national level to take into account local circumstances.

Challenge No. +1 - our proposal to reform and strengthen the EU - is identical in all our national programs. Here in Switzerland, our relations with the EU are the focus.

Take a look at our Europe-wide programme!
  • 01

    Smart State

    Education and digitalisation are key elements of the 21st century

  • 02

    Economic Renaissance

    An innovative economy is the engine for the progress of society.

  • 03

    Social Equality

    No one should be left behind - regardless of gender, income, religion or origin.

  • 04

    Global Balance

    Europe must live up to its responsibility in the world to secure our common future.

  • 05

    Citizen Empowerment

    European citizens must be able to make informed political decisions, independently influence politics beyond elections and exercise their democratic rights.

  • +1

    EU Reform

    We love the EU - but that doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement.