Volt says YES to the Environmental Responsibility Initiative
We depend on a clean environment and a functioning ecosystem. However, our planet's resources are limited and with our current lifestyle, Switzerland consumes almost three times as many resources as are available on earth. Global warming and the extinction of species are already jeopardising life on this planet. We therefore urgently need to adapt our way of life to the environmental challenges. Volt therefore says YES to the environmental responsibility initiative.

The concept of Planetary Boundaries was developed under the assumption that we as humanity only have one planet at our disposal. Since 2009, this has been the most widely used scientific framework for relating human resource use to the capacity of our environment to produce new resources and reabsorb waste. For this purpose, limits are defined in nine ecological dimensions which, if exceeded, pose an acute threat to the natural basis of human life. Worldwide, the limits have already been exceeded in the areas of climate change, biodiversity, nitrogen and phosphorus production, land use and the introduction of new substances. The environmental responsibility initiative aims to link Switzerland's use of resources to these planetary boundaries and thus guarantee that Switzerland plays its part in protecting the environment.
The Environmental Responsibility Initiative
The responsible use of resources is to be added to the Federal Constitution as a new principle of the economic order (Art. 94a BV: Framework of the economy). Switzerland's use of resources should be linked to the planetary boundaries, which means that Switzerland should only consume as many resources as it is entitled to in proportion to its share of the world's population and the planetary boundaries. In the same sense, the emission of pollutants will be limited to the amount that the environment can break down on its own. At the latest ten years after the adoption of the new article, Switzerland would have to comply with its share of the planetary boundaries, particularly in the six areas of climate change, biodiversity, water consumption, land use and nitrogen and phosphorus input. The Confederation and the cantons should be responsible for implementing the new economic principle and guarantee that the measures are socially acceptable.
Volt's Position
Volt stands for ambitious climate and environmental policy. Our goal is to comply with the Paris Climate Agreement and limit global warming to 1.5 degrees. We are fighting for climate neutrality by 2040, in the energy sector even by 2035. The current measures in Switzerland are not sufficient to fulfill our mission, which is why we support the Environmental Responsibility Initiative. The initiative is the ambitious step we need if we are to reduce Switzerland's environmental impact sufficiently in the short and medium term to play our part in respecting planetary boundaries and take responsibility for the costs and damage we cause.
We are aware of the social and economic challenges that a rapid transition to environmental neutrality entails. Firstly, a change in consumer habits and rising prices will be unavoidable, as effective climate and environmental protection requires the internalization of the costs of environmental damage. The initiative therefore stipulates that corporations and wealthy people should be made more responsible and that the impact on lower-income people should be cushioned. In order to guarantee the social compatibility of the initiative, we call for the necessary involvement of all stakeholders and special consideration for vulnerable groups when implementing the initiative.
Secondly, strong regulatory and incentive measures will have to be adopted to ensure rapid compliance with the environmental limits, which represents an encroachment on economic freedom. However, we believe that this is justified in view of the seriousness of the climate crisis. We also see clear opportunities in the transition to greater sustainability. In addition to the environmental benefits, timely investment in essential economic and social change will result in significant cost savings. Climate change is already costing society billions of francs every year and damaging the economy, which is destroying its own foundations. It is five times more expensive not to protect the climate than to invest in time and reduce environmental damage. The economy also needs to be able to plan for the transition. The CO2 Act was already supported by the majority of the business community, as it created a suitable framework and equal market rules for all economic players. The ten-year period guarantees the necessary commitment, as well as the swift implementation of government restructuring measures and the adaptation of legal framework conditions. With timely investments, we can secure Switzerland a competitive advantage in new sustainable markets and the corresponding employment opportunities, innovations and export opportunities. Climate protection means sustainable economic growth and competition, not necessarily a loss of prosperity.
Ressourcenverbrauch Schweiz, bafu.admin.ch
One Planet Ansätze (PDF, 10 MB, 28.11.2017)
Initiativtext — Umweltverantwortungsinitiative
A bold strategy to meet the Paris Agreement 1.5° limit – Volt Europa
Botschaft zur Umweltverantwortungsinitiative, fedlex.admin.ch
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Botschaft zur Umweltverantwortungsinitiative, fedlex.admin.ch