Volt is running in the municipal elections in Bern

On 24 November, Bern will elect 80 new members of the city council. Volt is running for the first time and wants to bring best practices from Europe to Bern, particularly in the area of mobility. The expansion of the pedestrian and cycling infrastructure, mobility hubs and development towards a sponge city are all on the agenda.

Aug 19, 2024
Portrait von Roland Müller mit Text

Two years ago, Volt ran in its first election in Switzerland. In the municipal council elections in the city of Zurich, the party put up three candidates in two constituencies and was able to collect over 1,100 votes. This was a huge success for Volt, as they were still very small in Switzerland at the time and had to organise the election campaign with very limited resources.

A lot has happened in the past two years: Volt has grown and professionalised both in Switzerland and throughout Europe. The party now has over 150 elected officials at all levels throughout Europe and has also had five members elected into the European Parliament in June.
Volt has also expanded into other cities in Switzerland, professionalised itself and started to make its mark in Swiss politics. Volters are increasingly being recognised and approached on the street; people are starting to recognise the purple ‘new kid on the block’ in Switzerland too.

For this reason, Volt decided to take part in this year's city council elections in Bern. They are convinced that they can bring a breath of fresh air to the federal city with our unique, pan-European approach.
As a pan-European party, Volt can draw on more expertise out of its large international pool than any other. For example, all elected officials from across Europe meet several times a month to discuss the latest news and challenges from their respective parliaments and to network with each other. In this way, Volt wants to bring best practices and new ideas from all over Europe to Bern. After all, there are already a lot of solutions (or at least inspirations) around for many of our challenges if you just dare to look beyond the city wall. That's why the team in Bern decided on the slogan ‘A Bern that thinks beyond the horizon’.

For example, Volt wants to further expand the pedestrian and cycling infrastructure and, following the Dutch model, make it so safe that young and old can travel without worry. They also want to create mobility hubs where people can easily switch from one mode of transport to another. Following the example of Rotterdam, they also want to expand Park+Ride: People who leave their car on the periphery of the city and use public transport to get into the city can park for free. You can find more details on these and other items of our programme here: Stadtratswahlen Bern (German only)

Roland Müller, lead candidate for this election, says:

We are extremely pleased to be running here in Bern this year and to be able to showcase our unique, pan-European approach. We hope to inspire many people to think beyond the horizon, because we are deeply convinced that we can only solve our challenges together; in Bern, in Switzerland and throughout Europe.

For interview requests and further information, please contact us here:

Roland Müller
[email protected]

More about the city council elections

Take a look at our programme for Bern and our candidates here (German only)