Our current economic system is based on the fact that we can generate as much value as possible for as little effort as possible; and usually isolates the negative consequences for people and nature as “externalities”. We are committed to a circular economy based on longevity, renewability and dematerialization and with which we assume global responsibility for our actions.
Strengthen the ‘Right to Repair’
Standards and norms for devices should be adapted so that manufacturers must offer a high level of repairability of their products and offer spare parts. For example, washing machines, printers, cars, but also smartphones and other devices should become more durable again.Create tax incentives for sustainable products
Companies that develop and offer goods and services with longer usability and a useful lifespan should benefit from simple and uniform tax incentives.Introduce eco-labels
Products with a high circular economy should be certified and labeled with a dedicated eco-label in order to make it easier for consumers to search for and select sustainable products in the store.Support sharing projects
The state should promote and support sharing projects for the common use of goods at all levels. For example, repair cafés, cargo vehicle rentals or car sharing models should be supported.Reduce waste
The amount of waste should be analyzed and pragmatically reduced in all areas of life. The focus is on more efficient waste systems, a reduction in packaging and research into the reuse of materials.Ban food waste from retailers
Food waste should be banned from retailers like Migros or Coop. Analogous to France or Portugal Any edible food should be donated to charities such as Caritas or the Schweizer Tafel.Ban single-use plastic goods
Single-use plastic goods such as cutlery, plates or cups should be banned and replaced with more sustainable alternatives.Increase taxes on plastic goods
Plastic goods and packaging should be taxed higher in order to encourage manufacturers to use sustainable packaging.