What we stand for / Global Balance

Animal welfare

Animals are sentient beings. Volt recognizes that humans share this planet with other life forms that should live together in an interdependent ecosystem. The well-being of animals in human care should be reflected in the fact that they do not go hungry or thirsty, that they do not feel unwell, that they do not suffer pain, injury or illness, that they can express their normal behaviour patterns and, finally, that they do not need to be afraid.

  • Strictly review and implement animal protection laws
    Although Switzerland has a similarly strict animal protection law, this is not sufficiently checked and enforced. More frequent unannounced inspections and stricter sanctions are intended to guarantee compliance with animal welfare.

  • Introduce video surveillance in stables and slaughterhouses
    In addition to the controls, stables and slaughterhouses should be monitored with video cameras, as is the case in Spain has already been implemented.

  • Ban gassing of male chicks
    Shredding live chicks has been banned since 2020. Gasification should also be banned and replaced by in-ovo technology.

  • Ban unnecessary use of antibiotics and steroids
    Routine, preventative or other use of antibiotics, steroids or other medications should be prohibited unless it is absolutely necessary for health reasons and prescribed by licensed veterinarians.

  • Prohibit breeding of physically impaired breeds
    The breeding of physically impaired domestic animal breeds (brachycephalic/flat-faced breeds) that exhibit stereotypical chronic health and welfare problems should be banned.

  • Prohibit the use of animals for entertainment purposes
    The breeding and keeping of animals for pure entertainment purposes, such as in circuses, aquariums or petting zoos, should be banned. Zoos should be used primarily for species conservation in order to breed and release endangered species back into the wild.

  • Research alternatives to animal testing
    Financial resources for research into alternatives to animal testing should be increased. A clear plan should be developed with concrete goals for reducing, refining and replacing animal testing.

The 5+1 challenges

Volt has defined 5+1 fundamental challenges that need to be addressed in every European country and in Europe as a whole.

Why 5 + 1 challenges?

The 5 challenges are essentially the same for each country, but their implementation can be adapted at the national level to take into account local circumstances.

Challenge No. +1 - our proposal to reform and strengthen the EU - is identical in all our national programs. Here in Switzerland, our relations with the EU are the focus.

Take a look at our Europe-wide programme!
  • 01

    Smart State

    Education and digitalisation are key elements of the 21st century

  • 02

    Economic Renaissance

    An innovative economy is the engine for the progress of society.

  • 03

    Social Equality

    No one should be left behind - regardless of gender, income, religion or origin.

  • 04

    Global Balance

    Europe must live up to its responsibility in the world to secure our common future.

  • 05

    Citizen Empowerment

    European citizens must be able to make informed political decisions, independently influence politics beyond elections and exercise their democratic rights.

  • +1

    EU Reform

    We love the EU - but that doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement.