What we stand for / Global Balance


Mobility makes it possible to get from A to B flexibly and quickly. Be it by car, scooter, motorcycle, public transport, bicycle or on foot. The choice is large and makes our everyday lives easier, but that doesn't mean that the current system in Switzerland is perfect. Switzerland's mobility concept must not only become greener, but also more affordable and lively. The focus should not only be on a single village, a single city or a single canton. Mobility goes beyond national borders. Volt wants to make mobility more mobile, greener and cheaper.

  • Expand express and night trains
    The mobility transition should improve our mobility and not worsen it. Volt is therefore committed to a modern express train and night train network across Europe. This can be used to replace short-haul flights that cannot easily be made climate-neutral. A uniform and simple ticket system should also avoid unnecessary complexity.

  • Expand commuter routes
    Routes like Bern-Zurich, which tend to be overloaded at peak times, should be expanded to make commuting more pleasant.

  • Make train travel cheaper
    Switzerland's rail network is well developed, but the price increases for GA tickets make train travel less attractive and are particularly damaging to the lower and middle classes. Volt is therefore campaigning for lower GA prices, e.g. through government funding.

  • Expand infrastructure for electromobility
    Since cars are indispensable in rural regions, the infrastructure for electromobility must be continuously expanded. However, expansion alone is not enough.

  • Make the charging process more transparent and simpler
    The charging process for electric cars needs to be simplified because there are too many providers with different apps and tariffs in Switzerland and Europe. A Europe-wide solution, such as requiring all providers to offer Plug&Charge, is necessary for a simple charging process.

  • Invest in electromobility today instead of hoping for alternatives
    For Volt it is clear that neither eFuels nor hydrogen are options for future new cars. This is because they are inefficient, causing higher CO2 emissions and most manufacturers have opted for electromobility. 

  • Giving inner cities back to the people
    Cars should be superfluous, especially in local transport. Local emissions not only harm people's health, combustion engines are particularly inefficient over short distances. Although electromobility can solve these problems, cars still take up too much space that could be used for other purposes, such as bicycles or greenery. Solutions must be found to make inner cities as car-free as possible or at least to expand the bicycle infrastructure. This creates more space for people and green spaces. The Utrecht mobility concept can serve as a model. If you arrive by car, you should park on the outskirts of the city; from there we need good public transport and cycle path connections to the city centre. This enables a quiet, clean and more sustainable city.

  • Unseal cities
    Hot summers are a growing problem. Heavily sealed cities become hotspots. So that we don't have to seal more soil, it's worth building in a more compact way. Although this supports the formation of heat, this can be counteracted. Through city greening, e.g. new parks, avenues, greening of facades and much more. We reduce CO2 emissions, provide shade and reduce the temperatures. In this way, we protect retailers from fewer visitors due to the heat and at the same time store CO2-emissions.

The 5+1 challenges

Volt has defined 5+1 fundamental challenges that need to be addressed in every European country and in Europe as a whole.

Why 5 + 1 challenges?

The 5 challenges are essentially the same for each country, but their implementation can be adapted at the national level to take into account local circumstances.

Challenge No. +1 - our proposal to reform and strengthen the EU - is identical in all our national programs. Here in Switzerland, our relations with the EU are the focus.

Take a look at our Europe-wide programme!
  • 01

    Smart State

    Education and digitalisation are key elements of the 21st century

  • 02

    Economic Renaissance

    An innovative economy is the engine for the progress of society.

  • 03

    Social Equality

    No one should be left behind - regardless of gender, income, religion or origin.

  • 04

    Global Balance

    Europe must live up to its responsibility in the world to secure our common future.

  • 05

    Citizen Empowerment

    European citizens must be able to make informed political decisions, independently influence politics beyond elections and exercise their democratic rights.

  • +1

    EU Reform

    We love the EU - but that doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement.